Public Worship is held on Lord's Day at 11am, and 6:30pm on the second Sunday of the month.

Worship is largely traditional in form, with a range of traditional
and contemporary Psalms and hymns. Praise is led on the piano and organ. We use the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Christian Bible. 

Sunday School activities are available during the service.

Preaching is systematic and expository, and is based on a theme or a book or passage of scripture. The sermon is usally 25-30 minutes in length and consists of explaining a Biblical passage and its application for Christian life. There is usually an outline of the sermon on the Order of Service to help. The morning service is usually 75 minutes long and the evening 65 minutes. 

After worship, tea and refreshments are served in the Fellowship Hall for all to enjoy and gather together. 

An offering is uplifted during the service for the work of the Church. Information on sepcial services can be found on the What's on page. Please contact us if you have any questions about attending church - all are welcome to come whether firm or unsure in the Christian faith.