Inspire vision

Inspiring a new generation of evangelism: 

INvest in community outreach and engagement to encourage 

SPiritual reconnect with the Christian Gospel

  REgeneration of Church and Community.

Seeking to glorify God and make known the love of God in Christ in Bellshill.

 ​ ‘INSPIRE’…..a spiritual reawakening through the Word made Flesh ‘To reconnect with the community through a strategy of gospel centred local engagement initiatives promoting participation from across the demographic spectrum with a focus on youth. A revitalised Christian mission stimulating Church growth – both numerically and spiritually’ 

St. Andrew’s has deep roots in the town and community of Bellshill dating back to 1762. The Church has provided a precious conduit for the Gospel message to flow. The central and highly visible location of the Church building has, throughout the ages, enabled the Christian message to be communicated right at the very heart of the town.

Looking forward and building on recent successes, the Church wishes to develop and reimagine the role of the United Free Church in the locale as a conservative evangelical church with an expository pulpit ministry and discipleship and accountability.

Central to our plans will be:

-Investment in the Church estate to further develop an appealing and welcoming Church environment.
-Redesign and refurbish aspects of the existing Church building to create a multi-purpose environment in support of our Christian ministry
-Increase visibility within local communities, develop and strengthen relationships with likeminded Christian ministries
 -Engage with community through the hosting and promotion of a broad range of events complimentary to the work of the Church.

 Our values
The Bible: The sole rule of Faith and Life
Faith: To be born again into a living hope in Christ alone.
Prayer and Discipleship: To know Christ and to serve Him.
Mission: To make disciples of the Lord Jesus and to see others being saved.
Community: To be a joyous, healthy local church in fellowship, family and service.