The Elders and Managers have discussed a ‘wish list’ of works that could be done at the church. Some are
essential and some are desirable, however it is always good to have a focus. If you have any suggestions for
works, or can help with these items by means of suggesting contractors, please speak to the Clerks.
Grounds: New path from North Road Gate
Removal of ivy in churchyard
Noticeboard at North Road gate
Church Building exterior
Renewal of lighting scheme
High level roof and spire works
Church Reconfiguration of the vestry annexe
Front steps renewal
AV capacity
Balcony speakers
Redecoration of sanctuary interior
Pew cushions for balcony
Varnishing of pews and chancel furniture
High quality acoustic instrument
Cleaning/replacing sanctuary carpet
Fellowship Hall/Kitchen etc Redecoration of Fellowship Hall. LED lighting in Fellowship Hall and toilets
New kitchen units and dishwasher and ventilation
TV screen for presentations in Fellowship Hall.
Equipment A3 laser colour printer