Financial Giving

St Andrew's Church requires around £55-60,000 per year to undertake all the
work that is required, to paying a stipend of a full-time Minister, maintaining a historic Church and Churchyard and the Neilson Halls and the Manse. 

We also require finances for some one-off essential projects, such as requires to the roof and spire and enhacing the technology capacity with the provsion of audio visual screens. 

If you feel led to contribute, then this would greatly bless us to
help us to continue this witness.

The easiest way to give is through our online giving platform: St Andrew's United Free Church of Scotland, Bellshill - a Community crowdfunding project in by Jason Lingiah (

You can also pay direct via the bank below, or send donations to St Andrew's Manse, 8 Dornoch Court, Bellshill ML4 1HN.

Bank of Scotland, Main Street, Bellshill.
Account name: St Andrew’s United Free Church of Scotland Bellshill
Sort Code: 80-05-63 Account Number: 00845461
If giving via the bank, please email to confirm.

Please also consider completing this Gift Aid form. If you are a UK Taxpayer on your salary, pension or investments, the Church as a registered charity can benefit by a 25% increase to your giving, at no cost to yourself. 

Please also see our leaflet on Christian Living and Giving.

If you have any questions, please contact us.